The process of applying paint to the exterior of a Victorian home is a very complicated and delicate job. It takes the combined efforts of many professionals to ensure it’s completed correctly. Here is the story of one such project and the steps involved to complete it.
Step 1: Realizing that this project is far too complicated to be done with ladders, and recognizing that the safety of the crew is always of utmost importance, our first step is to contact our usual scaffolding supplier to get a quote.
Step 2: After receiving a scaffolding quote, getting in touch with our preferred contractor, renovator and general contractor for a quote is next. We make sure they know the details about the job as well as any additional, unique information they might need to be aware of. Examples of important details that we’re always sure to share include whether rotted wood is involved, any signs of failed weather stripping, if the eaves-troughs need to be addressed and anything else that is vital to the job and the accuracy of the quote.
In this case, since rotted decorative wood as well as soffit and fascia is clearly visible from the ground, we contact our preferred contractor. We need a carpentry crew experienced in exteriors and building envelope. Although the carpenters’ work isn’t included in the quote, we connect the owner directly to the preferred carpenter and coordinated our movements around the house with his crew. We work in tandem with them, following their completed work around the house.
All contractors are asked to ensure that upon completion, the whole exterior system will be weather tight and secured from all outside elements.
Step 3: Together with all the parties involved, we come up with a ballpark quote for the job. The homeowners then decide if they want to proceed with the job or not. If they say yes, the job pushes ahead.
Step 4: A critical part of this process is the use of scaffolding. It needs to be high-end and well-constructed to ensure the safety of the team. We bring in a scaffolding company who is certified to build scaffolding. The scaffold system is sometimes fastened right to the home for added safety.
Ladders cannot be used for projects like this. Human nature is to lean and with needing steady hands to scrape, repair and paint, having high-end scaffolding cannot be stressed enough. The finished product also has a higher skill level to it when the scaffolding is solid and able to reach all parts of the house, which again, provides a superior finished product.
This process can be lengthy but it’s crucial to maintain a high level of safety and quality. A quality scaffolding system also enables the painting to be done as effectively as possible.
Step 5: Any caulking that needs to be done is completed. Three cases of caulking were used on this particular job! The painting begins after all trouble spots have been dealt with and any repairs or scraping has been completed. Oil primer is used on all the wood, which is considered the best primer for exterior wood. Then we top coat the wood with Duration by Sherwin Williams.
All brick and stucco are done with stucco paint. Stucco paint needs a high degree of bonding properties but also allows the substrate to breathe. We then complete the painting of all required areas.
Step 6: After everything is completed, scaffolding is taken down, and clean-up is done around all areas where our team worked.
Completion time: All the photos seen here are from a job that took approximately six and a half weeks, with up to eight painters working at the same time.
Do you have a complicated exterior paint job that requires a comprehensive, highly experienced and skilled team? Contact Refined Painting for a quote.