Residential Painting
Commercial Painting
Renovators & Contractors

Why Work for Refined Painting?

It’s a good time to chat…

While Ontario is well into restarting the economy and there is some appearance of normal out there, things remain hard to predict.

Even though there is uncertainty as to what may happen next in Ontario, that’s no reason we can’t start a conversation.

We are looking for painters. Let’s talk and do our part to get Ontario back to work!

Interested in joining our team of Refined experts? Have a look at our values and what it takes to dive in to the next project as part of our experienced, professional team.

Our ValuesHow this looks everyday
TeamworkTeamwork truly makes the dream work. You collaborate
well with other painters and contractors, strive for the good of the team, and always support and have your teammates’ back.
RRespectYou consistently show consideration to your team, homeowners, contractors and suppliers. You know the importance of a work/life balance and taking care of yourself, too.
EExcellenceYou display excellence in workmanship, communication, presentation, brand awareness, and maintaining your knowledge of the trade.
AAcronyms are hard!You know how to have fun, laugh, enjoy each day, and be your quirky self. You’re straightforward and true to yourself.
TTrustYou trust in the team, do what you say, have faith in the company and the brand, and always deliver exceptional results.

A refined painter has these key qualities:

You’re (a):

  • Personable craftsperson
  • Problem solver
  • Learner who can accept criticism/advice and is willing to change how they do things
  • Person who thinks like an entrepreneur
  • Good communicator, able to read the room
  • Person with an existing hands-on skill, or you show promise
  • Someone who is technical enough to use our team communication app and receive work orders by email
  • Dependable, punctual, no drama, even keeled, team player
  • Team player who trusts and respects other team members
  • Fun to be around.

Think you have what it takes?

We’d love to hear more from you. Please complete the form on this page and submit it including answers to our key questions and your resume. If we think you’re a potential good fit, we’ll get in touch!

This could be your day job!

Tell Us About Yourself

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